Professional Dog Training Services in Charlotte, NC and Surrounding Areas

Carolina Dogs helps to train dogs and empower owners to live their best life with their dog. We use balanced dog training methods so that you can build a better relationship with your dog, and your dog gets to enjoy the freedom they deserve.

Nicole - the owner and lead trainer of Training Carolina Dogs
Nicole walking a dog during a training session for Carolina Dogs

Empowering Owners Through Training

Do you want that go anywhere do anything dog that you don't have to worry about? A dog that doesn't pull on the leash, jump on guests, or bark at everything? Well you came to the right place! We know that training your dog can be hard but at Carolina Dogs, we can help you create the relationship you are looking for with your dog through one of our programs.

Remember, there is no such thing as a bad dog. A lot of times, our dogs are acting out because we aren't providing them with the clear communication and fulfillment they need. We believe in balanced dog training methods that allow you to properly communicate with your dog so that you can provide them with a happy, fulfilled life where they have more freedom.

Your dog will learn how to live within your home but also be able to go to dog friendly coffee shops, restaurants, stores, and live their best off leash life. Training your dog in real life scenarios will allow you to have a better life with your dog. What makes Carolina Dogs special is that we don't just train your dog but we also educate and empower you!


Board and Train

Our Board & Train programs allow your dog to live within our home while being trained in real life scenarios. We provide Puppy Board & Trains, 2 ½ Week Adult Board & Trains and a 3 Week Adult Behavioral Modification Board & Train. These programs are for owners who just don’t have the time to put into training because of life and all that comes with it.

Puppy Board & Train
Carolina Dogs Logo

Training starts as soon as your puppy comes home. This program is a 3 week program for puppies between 8-16 weeks that will set your puppy up for success and build a strong foundation of training. 

We focus on: Crate Training, Potty Training, Confidence Building, Proper Socialization, Name Recognition, Introduction to Commands (sit, down, place, come, kennel, and heel)

2.5 Week Board & Train
Carolina Dogs Logo

This program is for dogs 6 months and older where your dog will come live in our home for 2 ½ weeks.  They will learn all of their basic commands (sit, down, place, come, heel, and stay) within the home and in public, and they will also be OFFLEASH reliable!  This program gives you a go anywhere do anything kind of dog. 

3 Week Board & Train
Carolina Dogs Logo

This program is for dogs who are 6 months and older and have severe behavioral issues such as separation anxiety, leash reactivity, extreme fear issues, and resource guarding.  They will also live within our home for 3 weeks where they will work through their issues, while learning all of their basic commands (sit, down, place, come, heel, and stay) within the home and in public, and they will be OFFLEASH reliable!

All of our Board & Train programs include: Video/Picture updates of your dog’s training, training collars + leash ($250 value), 2 one-on-one sessions during your dog’s board & train (midway and turnover), refreshers afterwards, future boarding ($60/day), a relationship with your trainer for a lifetime.



Lessons are great for owners who are looking to work one-on-one with a professional trainer while learning and growing alongside your dog. Each lesson will be an hour long once a week, and they will take place within my home in a controlled environment.

1:1 Lessons
Carolina Dogs Logo

Your lessons will be designed to meet your individualized goals for your dog while teaching your dog basic commands: sit, down, place, come, heel (loose leash walking) and stay. After each lesson, you will be given homework to keep up with practicing at home so that we can advance every week. One on one lesson packages can be broken up from puppy stage to adult stage.

6 Lesson Package: $900
8 lesson package: $1,200
10 lesson package: $1,500

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Boarding is for current and past clients only.  Once your dog has been trained by us, your dog will be allowed to come for boarding.  Our boarding dogs get refreshers on training, loose leash walks, proper socialization with our other dogs, place time within the home, treadmill time and more.  Boarding is on a first come first serve basis, so please give us ample time so that we can get your dog on our boarding calendar!

Day Training
$1,900/monthly unlimited*

*includes e collar and body leash

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Do you want to take your dog to daycare but are afraid of all the bad habits they will pick up, or are you hesitant to do a Board and Train program because you don't want your dog staying somewhere for 2-5 weeks?  We get it and we have the perfect solution for you!  Day training is like school for your dogs. You will drop them off in the morning and pick them up at the end of the day. Your dog will learn all of their basic commands (sit, down, place, and come), learn a loose leash walk, become e collar trained, run on the treadmill, do place work in the home with other dogs, learn how to be neutral around other dogs as well as have proper play time, and go on field trips to practice their loose leash walk as well as proper manners while out in public.  We offer a monthly unlimited package where your dog can come to me Monday-Friday.  Once your dog has trained with me, this program will also qualify your dog to be able to board with me.

Previous clients - $50/day

Our team

Meet Our Owner Nicole

Hi! I’m Nicole and I am the owner and lead trainer of Carolina Dogs. I have had dogs my entire life and I have been professionally working with dogs for 4 years. Throughout this time, I have been able to train hundreds of dogs while empowering owners at the same time.

In my early 20s, I had three dogs, and one of my dogs was that problem child. Luna is my WHY to becoming a dog trainer and the reason behind Training Carolina Dogs. I can empathize with owners because Luna struggled with many issues that other dogs struggle with every day. Because of relationship based training and the right training tools, I was able to train Luna and provide her with a better life. This training journey allowed me to work under one of the best dog trainers and one of my best friends, Keely Korbel with Ruff Rules. After training Luna, Keely asked me to take a chance on her. Between my passion for training and my love for dogs, I left my 9-5 job to become a trainer for Ruff Rules and I haven’t looked back since.

I’m so grateful that my dog training journey started where it did and that it has allowed me to start Training Carolina Dogs. I am confident that our programs will help you to better communicate with your dog via proper training tools, build a stronger relationship, and empower you, the owner, to live your best life with your dog. I am excited to work with you and your dog and create a community of trained dogs and empowered owners!

Dog trainer with dog during outdoor hike

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Get answers to some of our most frequently asked questions

Still have questions?

Dog with paw raised image
What’s the difference between a Board & Train and Lessons?

Lessons are for the owner who is committed to meeting once a week for a minimum of 6 weeks, and putting the repetitions in every day to achieve your desired results.  A Board & Train is for the owner who wants a trained dog but just doesn’t have a lot of time to do it themselves.  A Board & Train allows you to achieve your desired results faster, however, you still have to keep up with your dog’s training once they are back home with you.  We do not “fix” your dog.  We give you a huge jumpstart in being able to manage and enjoy your dog once they are back home with you.

Do we offer boarding?

We only offer boarding to our current and past clients, and it is upon availability.

What vaccines do we require?

I require proof of vaccine records (prior to arrival) for the following vaccines: Rabies, DHLPP, and Bordetella or Tither Testing only for DHLPP and Bordetella.  The State of South Carolina does not accept Tither Testing for Rabies.

Where will your dog stay?

Your dog will stay with me, at my home, and your dog will sleep in a properly fitted crate provided by Training Carolina Dogs.

What is balanced dog training?

It is exactly what it sounds like….balanced.  It’s a balanced approach to training and modifying behavior in your dog.  As a balanced dog trainer, I reward for the positive and the behaviors that I want to keep seeing, and correct for the unwanted behaviors (barking, pulling, jumping, digging, leash reactivity, resource guarding, aggression, etc) that I don’t want to see. 

Corrections do not mean pain though, instead, it involves teaching a dog that actions have consequences and the right choices equal good things!  It’s very similar to parenting.  If you only rewarded your child and never gave them consequences for bad behavior, there is a good chance that your child will continue doing that behavior.  In the same way you tell a child “don’t do that”, we have to communicate with our dog.  

However, our dogs communicate differently than we do.  They are touch learners first, and verbal learners last; whereas we are verbal learners first and touch learners last.  So, our dogs communicate best through training tools like a slip leash, prong collar, or e collar (not a shock collar).  This is why balanced trainers have so much success when training dogs because we can communicate with your dog using positive rewards and corrections in the timing that your dog learns best, which happens to be 1.3 seconds.  The reality of it is, at some point your dog needs a correction, and when done properly, with the right energy your dog will learn what is and isn’t expected of them. 

As a balanced trainer, I have a tool box of tools to use, and depending on the dog I am working with, I will use different tools and techniques to find that right combination to help empower owners to live their best life with their dog.

What tools do we use?

Treats, slip leash, clickers, prong collars, and e collars.

What is an e collar?

E collar stands for electric collar and uses and electrical stimulation (like a tens unit system), not a shock.  The e collar has 100 levels on it whereas a shock collar only has a few levels and it is actually shocking your dog.  The e collar costs about $200 and a shock collar ranges from $30-$70.  Most dog trainers use E collar Technologies or Dogtra, and for a good reason.  The quality of these collars are the best in the industry.  Remember, your dog is a touch learner first which is what the e collar provides for you.  It is the best tool to communicate to your dog at low levels in the timing that they learn best, it stops unwanted behaviors, it acts as an invisible leash, it provides safety and a better relationship with your dog.  However, it is extremely important to introduce an e collar to your dog properly so that it can be associated to a positive.  If you don’t know how to introduce an e collar to your dog properly, reach out to a trainer to help you!  

Three Dogs relaxing and enjoying a sunny day after training with Carolina Dogs

Ready to get started?

Click the link below to book a complimentary consultation with us. We look forward to speaking with you and working with you!